Sep 29, 2009

Photo: Enchantments and Witchapalooza

Enchanting Eyes

Posted by Sherrie Thai of Shaire Productions.

The time for magic and wizardry will soon visit us with All Hallowed Eve. To celebrate the holiday, there's a cool show at the Cal Expo in Sacramento called the Witchapalooza for October 10th and 11th 2009. Steampunk and fire performances are sure to be a great addition.

Photo: Pig Skull

Pig Skull

Posted by Sherrie Thai of Shaire Productions.

Don't forget to visit the dentist!

Sep 25, 2009

Artwork: Tribal Snake with Circular Ornaments

Red Tribal Snake

Red Tribal Snake

Posted by Sherrie Thai of Shaire Productions.

Here's a simple tribal illustration that's inspired by the woodwork of the Haida community of the Pacific Northwest. Shirt here

Artwork: My Skull Designs on Etsy

Orange Muertos Skull Card

White Muertos Skull Card

Skull with Maple Leaves Card Sets

Skull Keychain

Posted by Sherrie Thai of Shaire Productions.

With Halloween just around the corner, I thought my skull designs would have a nice place in the public marketplace:

Photo: T'boli Folk Dancer

T'Boli Folk Dancer

Posted by Sherrie Thai of Shaire Productions.

Sep 23, 2009

Resource: Tips for Professional Artists

Posted by Sherrie Thai of Shaire Productions.

Harriete Estel Berman is a metalsmith who shares interesting tips and advice for fellow artists and crafters. Such topics range from Juried Opportunities to Contracts. Great resource! Visit her website here

Sep 16, 2009

Sep 14, 2009

Artwork: Tribal Bird

Tribal Bird

Tribal Bird Shirt

Posted by Sherrie Thai of Shaire Productions.

Tribal Bird is an intricate pen/ink design that was born in the waiting room for Jury Duty. The t-shirt design can be found here.

Photo: Traditional Filipino Folk Dancer

Filipino Folk Dancer

Posted by Sherrie Thai of Shaire Productions.

Artwork: Hibiscus Pearl and Silver Necklace

Hibiscus Necklace

Posted by Sherrie Thai of Shaire Productions.

Here's another custom-made necklace I created for a friend. It's a combination of off-white and white pearls with silver beading and chains.

Sep 10, 2009

Photos: Shaolin Wushu Kungfu Performance

Wushu 00

Wushu 01

Wushu 03

Posted by Sherrie Thai of Shaire Productions.

Here are some candid photos of the U.S. Shaolin Wushu team from Oakland, CA. They were taken at the Oakland Chinatown Street Fest.

New Online Advertising/ Marketing: Widget as a Website

Posted by Sherrie Thai of Shaire Productions.

Skittles was one of the first brands who compressed their site into a widget format. It aggregated content from multiple sites: Flickr (photos), Youtube (videos), Friends (Facebook group) and others. It clearly shows the power of Web 2.0--increasing social interaction in an open-format manner.

Most recently, Zombieland (the new release of Sony Pictures) incorporated this new format for several items. I wonder what will be the next innovation. . .

Sep 3, 2009

Artwork: Seeing Stars, Tattooed Girl

Seeing Stars: Tattooed Girl

Posted by Sherrie Thai of Shaire Productions.

Seeing Stars is inspired by Harajuku Gothic fashion and was created with pen on vellum (with Photoshop accents).

Artwork: Henna, Dragon with Floral Patterns

Henna Dragon

Posted by Sherrie Thai of Shaire Productions.

It's been about a decade since I've done henna body art professionally. It was a great learning experience--to explore and develop different artistic styles.

Recently, I was asked to participate in a henna project for the Aquanuts Synchronized Swim Team. After a long night of decorative work for others, I was able to create this piece on myself in an hour, freehand, reviving my carpal tunnel. Good times!

Photo: Hawaiian Dancer

Hawaiian Dancer

Posted by Sherrie Thai of Shaire Productions.

Free Backgrounds: Crumpled Paper & Blurred Lights

Crumpled Paper

Blurred Lights: Road in Motion

Posted by Sherrie Thai of Shaire Productions.

Crumpled Paper and Blurred Lights are new photos that I'm offering as a free download. They're part of my Creative Commons collection of photo backgrounds to use in both commercial and personal work. Simply click on the image and enjoy!

Inspiration: Richard Avedon Portrait Exhibition

Richard Avedon

Posted by Sherrie Thai of Shaire Productions.

If you get a chance to swing by the SF Museum of Modern Art, check out Richard Avedon's portrait exhibit. It's so inspiring to see the personalities of his subjects come to life in black & white.